Modelos de precios de las bolsas de trabajo: Cómo fijar el precio de su bolsa de empleo con Webflow y Memberstack 


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Shuib Abdullah

En este artículo, compararemos los distintos modelos de precios utilizados en el sector. Si conoces los distintos modelos de precios disponibles, podrás tomar una decisión informada a la hora de elegir cómo crear tu bolsa de empleo y empezar a generar ingresos.

Job board pricing is an important factor to consider when looking to build a profitable job board platform. Different job boards offer different pricing models, so it’s important to compare the features and benefits that each one offers. It’s also important to understand the cost structure of each job board, including any setup fees, recurring fees, and other costs associated with using their service.

Things to consider


Is your job board focused on a certain country e.g. restricted to US jobs only or are you listing remote only jobs? 


Does your job board focus on a specific group e.g. for designers or do you cater to all seekers/employers? Niche job boards are getting more popular, especially in the tech industry


As with any business, competition is always important to be aware of. Do some basic competitor research and see what competitors you have, what they’re doing, what their pricing model is etc 

Four Pricing Models 

There are lots of variations on pricing models, today we’re going to explore the four most popular.

  1. Job postings
  2. Paying to view candidates CV’s
  3. Subscription model
  4. Freemium

Job postings

Paying for job postings is an effective way to attract the right candidates for your job openings, especially if you’re building a niche. It allows employers to target specific audiences, reach a wider pool of potential applicants, and get their job postings seen by the right job seekers. is a good example of a job board that offers sponsored posts. If you go with this pricing model, the sponsored post could be highlighted, in bold and put ahead of the other jobs.

Another potential competitor is CareerBuilder. Although their main pricing model is subscription based, they do offer a pay-as-you-go model which is $425, employers are billed once and get 1 job post, 10 resume & social profile views and 35 job boost emails.

This pricing model could also include access to more advanced analytics and track key metrics such as applicant engagement and response rate. Although, this could be a more premium feature, serving as an extra revenue stream.

By using paid job postings, employers can ensure they are getting the best return on their investment in terms of finding the right talent for their open positions. The pricing for a job post could vary depending on your niche, but you could start with offers, to begin with. For instance, posting 10 jobs for the price of 7, might entice more recruiters and start giving you traction.


  • Can help you easily target specific candidates
  • Increase visibility, helping employers fill roles quicker


  • Can be expensive for employers, especially with a new job board that hasn’t been tried and tested
  • Job posts that aren’t sponsored move down the search results and their visibility reduces over time


Another great way to incentivise employers and recruiters to post jobs is pay-per-click (PPC). The employer only pays when a job seeker clicks on the post, similar to Google Ads. The cost could be anywhere from 0.10 cents to $5. With a PPC job board, employers can customize their campaigns to reach only qualified candidates that fit their specific requirements.

An example of PPC advertising in Total Jobs, as seen in the screenshot below. In this example, the word ‘Ad’ is beside the link to indicate its PPC. This is a great way to advertise jobs since you don’t have to worry about ranking low on search engines.


Subscription pricing models for job boards are becoming increasingly popular. This model  allows employers to pay a monthly fee for access to a pool of potential candidates.

You could either charge a flat fee for a single job board like, or offer a monthly membership. The employer would be allowed to post a certain number of jobs for 30 days and even have access to premium features if you decide to. You could even break this down further by having pricing tiers like Standard and Premium.

Again, using as an example, they charge $279 for a single job post and 50 resume views for their Standard membership. For the Premium membership, it's $649.

This model can be beneficial to employers as it allows them to save time and money by having access to a large number of potential candidates without having to pay per individual job posting.


  • Ideal for rapidly growing sales teams looking to find high-quality candidates
  • Saves employers and recruiters time
  • Multiple pricing tiers allow for flexibility depending on the employer's hiring needs


  • Risk of people taking advantage by signing up for multiple accounts and using them simultaneously, which could lead to revenue losses
  • This could be a decrease in engagement or customer satisfaction due to the lack of flexibility in terms of payment options available with subscription-based models


A freemium job board is a type of job board that allows employers to add job listings with no charge, while also providing premium features or ‘add-ons’ for a certain fee. This type of   pricing model has become increasingly popular in the job board industry.

A freemium pricing model offers employers an affordable way to attract qualified candidates and build their employer brand.

In this model, you’ll post job posts for free, but charge for more premium items and features including:

  • Featured Listings
  • Access to more candidate resumes
  • Advanced search capabilities and targeted candidate outreach

An example of a job board with a freemium option is EuroJobs. Eurojobs is non-specialized and attracts candidates from all industry sectors and job types.

However, it's important to price your premium services well to attract employers and recruiters coming from places like Linkedin. You could do this by offering a free trial or discounts when you first launch. 


  • Enables employers to reach more potential candidates with their postings
  • Provides employers with the ability to track the performance of each listing
  • Great for SMEs (Small Medium Enterprise) to save money by not having to pay for expensive recruiters or services


  • Lacks features that are above on paid searches such as advanced search
  • The pool of candidates available won’t be specific to the employer's niche
  • More prone to spam and fraudulent postings, wasting time and resources

Overview of well-known job boards and their Pricing Models

Job board Pricing Model Prices Pay per click sponsored job posting model CPC range from $0.10 to $5
Monster Pay per job post $279 - single job, $649 - 5 jobs
LinkedIn Pay per click Average $5.26
Dice Pay per job post $449 - single job, $399 - 3 jobs
CareerBuilder Pay per job post & Subscription $425 - single job, £349-749 for a subscription
Ladders Subscription model $199/m for 50 jobs, $579m for 500 jobs
Zip Recruiter Subscription model & pay per job post $99 - single job, $299 per month
XPAT Jobs Subscription model & pay per job post $199 - single post, $249 - $695 per month
Search Remotely Subscription model $19/m ranging to $129/m for unlimited postings
Nexxt Subscription model $299/m - 5 job slots

Target audience

Like with any online business, your target audience is pivotal to gaining consistent engagement with your product. The job boards that emphasize a certain industry tend to do well, so going niche could prove useful.

Niche job boards are a great way for employers to find qualified candidates for specialized positions. This directly helps employers target the right people based on their skill set, background and qualifications. For example, if your niche is in the tech industry, potential employers could be startups or digital agencies that are always scaling and looking for talent. Having a targeted approach like this builds trust and allows employers to find the right candidates for the right position in a fast and cost-effective way. This in turn makes it easier for a potential client to pay for your job board on an ongoing basis. 

Examples of niche job boards: 

Remote only job boards like

Job boards by country like

Job boards for developers like

Job boards for designers like 

For Job-seekers

The job market has never been more competitive. With more jobs being opened and filled, it's a tough market for job-seekers to navigate. The term ‘quiet quitting’ and ‘job hopping’ has been thrown about in articles and forums alike. Therefore, it's no surprise that membership-based job boards are becoming popular.

With this pricing model, candidates can pay a monthly or annual fee to access the job board and its resources. This type of pricing model allows job boards to offer more services and resources, leading to more candidates securing jobs. The revenue potential for this pricing model is solid as long as you continue to raise awareness of the job board by targeting your audience using digital marketing strategies.

Furthermore, candidates who pay for your job board using a membership model can have access to an array of premium features including:

  • Promoting resumes to hiring candidates (maybe for certain keywords like location, job type etc)
  • Reports, this could be in the form of salary surveys or case studies

These could all potentially be separated into a 3 tier pricing model in the future.

Lastly, you could add 3rd-party services as an extra revenue stream to your job board. This could be in the form of CV reviews or e-books on interview tips on a particular job industry like software engineering.

These 3rd-party services are a great way to diversify your resume with little effort since you could outsource them. For example, you could hire a careers coach to offer CV reviews and take a 10% cut. Another option is integrating a marketplace for CV templates, generating passive income. The possibilities are vast.

To Wrap Up

Building a profitable pricing model for your job board doesn’t have to be complicated, so we hope you gained some valuable insight from this post. .