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Botones Auth

dribbble, google, twitter, facebook, microsoft, github, spotify, SSO, inicio de sesión, registro, social, autenticación

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Casilla de verificación

multiselección, multiselect, select, casillas de verificación, cb

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contenido generado por el usuario, discusión, comentario, post, hilo,

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descuento, promoción, rebaja, venta, cupones, ahorro, black friday,

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Cuadros de mando

área de miembros, cuenta, panel, portal, cuadro de mandos

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Actualización por correo electrónico

establecer correo electrónico, nuevo correo electrónico, cambiar correo electrónico, cuenta de correo electrónico, editar correo electrónico,

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Verificación del correo electrónico

verificado, solicitud de verificación, verificación de identidad, etc.

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Error / Éxito

brindis, notificación, mensaje de error, mensaje de éxito, aviso,

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Pago fallido

actualizar pago, modificar pago, sca, anular, cancelado, acceso denegado,

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Contraseña olvidada

nueva contraseña, cambiar contraseña, recordar contraseña, enviar contraseña, restablecer contraseña

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Contenido cerrado

contenido bloqueado, sólo para miembros, bloqueado, restringido, etc.

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Página de aterrizaje

Fullpage, página web, sitio web, página completa, página de inicio, página de inicio, héroe, cta, acerca de, plantilla,

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Inicio de sesión

sign in, sign-in, signin, logon, log in, log on, nombre de usuario

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Marketing UI
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bienvenida, empezar, pasos, recoger

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Actualización de contraseña

establecer contraseña, nueva contraseña, cambiar contraseña, contraseña de cuenta, editar contraseña,

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Sin contraseña

enlace mágico, sin contraseña, sin contraseña, sólo correo electrónico, inicio de sesión con correo electrónico

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Éxito en los pagos
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planes, precios, tablas, coste, cuota, tarifa, precio, suscripción, mensual, anual, donación

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nombre, teléfono, dirección, facturación, configuración, preferencias, notificaciones, favorito, sexo, entrada

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Regístrese en

inscribirse, registrarse, darse de alta, crear una cuenta, creación de una cuenta, empezar, empezar, inscribirse, entrar, unirse

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Prueba gratuita, probar, probar, demo, acceso gratuito, días

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Sin estilo

simple, sin estilo, genérico, básico,

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cambiar, actualizar, vender, ventas, upsell

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validación de contraseña, requisitos, válido, inválido,

Donation Links
This is a donation table set up using Memberstack and Stripe checkout. Users can select between one-time and recurring payment options, select the amount they want, and register to start donating.
Elija un plan de IU
Hi there! Back with another pricing table. This one's a simple tab-based pricing table you can drop into any page. Each pricing box is a tab which shows or hides the correct signup button.
Página de actualización
Hi there! Back with another pricing table. This time we have a split page with benefits and sales-stuff on the left & a simple tab-based pricing table on the right. Each pricing box is a tab which shows or hides the correct signup button. This project is using Memberstack, but there's nothing stopping you from using this with any Webflow Memberships tool.
Webflow University Sign Up
Hey everyone, SUPER STOKED to release this one. We've recreated Webflow University, ALL within Webflow! This particular component is the signup form. Complete with a full CMS build, you've got everything you need in here to either make your own course similar to Webflow University, or just be amazed at all the things you can do with Webflow + Memberstack.
Webflow University Log In
Hey everyone 👋 If you didn't see, we've recreated Webflow University, ALL within Webflow! This particular component is the login form. Complete with a full CMS build, you've got everything you need in here to either make your own course similar to Webflow University, or just be amazed at all the things you can do with Webflow + Memberstack.
Panel de control del curso en línea
Hi there! Here's a clean dashboard template with the CMS configured for browsing online courses - pre-connected to Memberstack, so your life will be easier :) Original design by the awesome @awsmd on Dribbble!
Doc Management Dashboard
Hi there! Back with another dashboard exploration. It's not functional, but you can adapt this UI to whatever use case you need. I'd recommend Make, Zapier, or Webflow Logic if you decide to make it functional inside of Webflow. Original design by the talented @Kevinduk on Dribbble :)
Cupón de descuento
Hi there! I missed black Friday by a week, but here's a nice coupon UI the next time you're handing out discounts and coupons to customers.
Promotion Card
Hi there! Back today with a simple coupon UI. Should be useful the next time you're running a promotion or offering referrals to customers.
Discount Widget
Hi there! We built a handful of promotional UI to offer discounts to your audience, members, customers, etc. Copy this component and others like it over at our website. No account, no payment, and strings attached!
Mobile First Login
Hi there! I'm back with a fun login component with a sort of onboarding slider. It allows people to decide how they want to proceed without distractions. As always it's powered by Memberstack, but you can use it however you like 🙏 Hurrah open source! Speaking of, the icons in this project were pulled from this open-source Figma project.
Seleccione un Plan Modal
Hi there! Let's kick things off with a new pricing table (original design on Dribbble by Danilo Tanic). The project has a Loom video which explains how everything works. There's a bit of custom code to style the tabs and to make it easier to edit in the designer.
iOS Style Pricing Tabs
Hi there! Back again with a pricing table (original design on Dribbble by Danilo Tanic). The project has a Loom video which explains how everything works. There's a bit of custom code to style the tabs and to make it easier to edit in the designer.
Clon del formulario de restablecimiento de contraseña de Webflow
Hi there! Had some fun rebuilding Webflow's password UI. This component has three code blocks. One controls the form validation, another shows and hides the password, and there is custom CSS at the top to style the "fake" inputs. Tutorial video in the project!
Formulario de olvido de contraseña de Webflow
Hi there! Had some fun rebuilding Webflow's actual signup, login, and forgot password UI. Documented the setup with Loom and of course, it's all powered by Memberstack. 😁
Webflow Log In Clone
Happy Thursday! Had some fun rebuilding Webflow's signup, login, and forgot password UI inside Webflow. Social login and account creation are powered by Memberstack. The form validation and the show/hide password are powered by some custom code. The video tutorial on the homepage explains how it all works.
Clon de registro de Webflow
Hi there! Had some fun rebuilding a functional clone of Webflow's signup UI. This component has two code blocks. One controls the form validation and the other shows and hides the password. Powered by Memberstack 💪
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