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Add Members in the Dashboard

Añadir usuarios a través del panel de control

Add Members in the Dashboard
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Beneficios principales


Save users time by manually creating their account.


Help users with any signup issues by adding them to a membership or plan manually.

How to Add Users via the Dashboard with Memberstack and Webflow

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This article shows you how to manually add a member to your site from the Memberstack dashboard.

Adding a Member

  1. Vaya a su panel de Memberstack.
  2. Click Members on the side menu.
  3. Click the Add Member button in the top right corner of the page and then select Add a Member.

Entering Account Info

In the popup window:

  1. Enter the member's email address.
  2. Create a password.
  3. Click the Assign to plan field and select an option. This is optional.
  4. Click the Add Member button.

Memberstack adds that member to your list.

  • BTW Memberstack does not send an email notification to manually added new members. If required, you'll need to contact that person and pass along the login credentials.

Ya está.

Now you know how to create new members from the Memberstack dashboard.


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