#53 - Update JSON Items With A Form v0.1

Allow your members to change details about their JSON items.

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  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
    const memberstack = window.$memberstackDom;

    // Add click event listener to the document
    document.addEventListener("click", async function(event) {
      const target = event.target;

      // Check if the clicked element has ms-code-edit-item attribute
      const editItem = target.closest('[ms-code-edit-item="prompt"]');
      if (editItem) {
        // Get the item key from the closest ancestor element with ms-code-item-key attribute
        const key = editItem.closest('[ms-code-item-key]').getAttribute('ms-code-item-key');

        // Retrieve the current member JSON data
        const member = await memberstack.getMemberJSON();

        let targetObject = member.data.projects; // Update this line with the desired target location

        if (member.data && targetObject && targetObject[key]) {
          // Get the form element with the ms-code-edit-item="form" attribute
          const form = document.querySelector('form[ms-code-edit-item="form"]');

          if (form) {
            // Loop through the form fields
            for (const field of form.elements) {
              const jsonName = field.getAttribute('ms-code-json-name');
              if (jsonName && targetObject[key].hasOwnProperty(jsonName)) {
                // Pre-fill the form field with the corresponding value from the JSON item
                field.value = targetObject[key][jsonName];

            // Get the modal element with the ms-code-edit-item="modal" attribute
            const modal = document.querySelector('[ms-code-edit-item="modal"]');
            if (modal) {
              // Set the display property of the modal to flex
              modal.style.display = 'flex';

            // Add submit event listener to the form
            form.addEventListener("submit", async function(event) {
              event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the form from submitting normally

              // Create an object to hold the updated values
              const updatedValues = {};

              // Loop through the form fields
              for (const field of form.elements) {
                const jsonName = field.getAttribute('ms-code-json-name');
                if (jsonName) {
                  // Update the corresponding value in the updatedValues object
                  updatedValues[jsonName] = field.value;

              // Update the target object with the new values
              targetObject[key] = { ...targetObject[key], ...updatedValues };

              // Update the member JSON using the Memberstack SDK
              await memberstack.updateMemberJSON({
                json: member.data

              // Optional: Display a success message or perform any other desired action
              console.log('Member JSON updated successfully');
          } else {
            console.error('Form element not found');
        } else {
          console.error(`Could not find item with key: ${key}`);

Creación del escenario Make.com

1. Descargue el proyecto JSON a continuación para empezar.

2. Navegue hasta Make.com y Cree un nuevo escenario...

3. Haga clic en el pequeño cuadro con 3 puntos y luego Importar Blueprint...

4. Sube tu archivo y ¡voilá! Ya está listo para vincular sus propias cuentas.

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Todos los clientes de Memberstack pueden solicitar asistencia en el Slack 2.0. Tenga en cuenta que no se trata de funciones oficiales y que no se puede garantizar la asistencia.

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