Who uses Memberstack?

Used by 50,000 Teams & Agencies

Memberstack es utilizado por millones de personas cada día.


Comience con un componente gratuito

Probar las funciones de Memberstack es tan fácil como copiar y pegar uno de nuestros más de 600 componentes Webflow gratuitos.

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Beneficios principales

Same Experience for More Members

Cater to a global audience by providing a localized experience in different languages.

Expand your reach

Engage with users and offer your services all around the world

How to Translate your Site with Memberstack and Webflow

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1. Member-facing UI (Signup, login, etc.)

Any UI that lives in Webflow such as signup, login, password, and profile components can be manually translated into language. You can add multi-language support with something like Weglot to translate automatically.

(Note: If you decide to make your translation cloneable for others, please leave a comment below so that we can thank you.)

2. Emails

You can translate your password reset and email verification emails using the default editor. Please note that emails can only be sent in 1 language.

3. Pre-built Modals

It is not possible to translate the pre-built modals. Please use our Webflow Components and then translate all of the text.

4. Error & Success Messages

Navigate to Translate → Translate Error & Success Messages.

Click Enable and proceed to override any/all of the messages.

5. Hosted SSO Login

Navigate to Translate → Hosted SSO Login → Login and override any/all of the text you need.


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